Friday, June 22, 2012

WinMX is currently protected from NOTHING!

Have you noticed that the WinMXWorld website is down right now? Well if you haven't you should probably know what it means to you, and why they're such an irresponsible and clueless organization.

Cache Servers Have NO Blocklist?

Since every WinMX peer cache server relies on a text file hosted on the WinMXWorld website for their blocklist ip ranges to give to actual WinMX users (, they are currently being fed a generic 301 "Moved Permanently" error code message. These redirect codes (301/302) and used to tell your web browser that the website or web page you are trying to visit has been moved temporarily (302) or permanently (301). As it seems the admins at WinMXWorld have no clue what they are doing, they have set a 301 code. Indicating that the website will never return. I sure hope Google has discovered this so our relevent blog posts can move up a few spots to the top of the search results for "winmx world".

 Check for yourself here:  (just click any of the "Online" spots under the blocklist column)

Because of this severe oversight of the WinMXWorld admins and their "coders". All WinMX users are currently being bombarded with fake files in their search results, as well as being completely unprotected from any of the cartel organizations connecting directly to them.

Below is an example of thousands of fake files, along with whois' of maxed out secondary users as we remember seeing from years ago when the fake files first started:

Why this shouldn't have happened:

Due to the way the cache server and the patch that they and every WinMX user is using, there are no integrity checks built in to prevent this kind of thing from happening. You would think someone would make sure that the cache servers would not replace a list of actual ip ranges with a block of html garbage... and you would think the patch would be designed to not forget all of the previous ip ranges from the REAL block list before it adds in a block of html... but I guess no one was smart enough to think of that.

When can we expect a fix? Who knows... we still haven't received a fix for these network attacks. I would say an estimate of 2015 is a good guess. But I can assure you, this group of people running WinMXWorld really has no fucking clue what they are doing, and if this doesn't convince you, I don't know what will.


  1. WMW just can't get anything right. Jesus christ they're stupid...

  2. While I agree that this should not have happened if proper checks were in place at the same time, all you are doing is complaining, do something for a f*ck*ng change or is that all you can do is b*tch?

  3. Well, if there were noone to tell what's wrong, they wouldn't notice it for a long time. Meanwhile there would be many fedup users...
    Why do people have to fight? Especially when they have common goals..

    And it's not easy to believe anonymous posts.
    Yes, I use a nick, but it's MY nick. "Anonymous" is used by many people..

    1. What is the common goal of this blog other than to point out every little wrong thing wmw says or does not that I'm trying to defend them or anything but at the same time all I'm seeing is people b*tch*ng not doing a single d*mn thing other than that.

      Talk is easy actually do something for a change.

  4. Stop spam, you're not much better when you hide behind a proxy server!!!

    The second seems ridiculous no one bothers to listen to..

  5. Die at the discretion of

  6. When you are attacking the network 24/7 how can one tell the difference between fake files and real ones?
    Pointless blog post is pointless.

    1. The files returned when your searches are being hijacked are real files, the massive amount of files related to your actual keyword that never actually download are fake.

      Pointless comment is pointless.

    2. Guess you didn't take firewalled users and the generic leeches into account in that statement.
      "Psychosis n; Psychosis is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state characterized by loss of contact with reality."
      How long do you plan to keep attacking the network in your fictional little world? Does it make you feel good?
      Insane blogger is insane.

    3. I don't see how that is relevant at all because if you knew what was actually going on you wouldn't twist other people's words to fit your ignorant little comment like some conservative lawmaker.

      Again, pointless uneducated commenter posting useless drivel.

    4. Whats going on is KM spent himself into a lot of debt and had to give up supporting Winmx in 2007. Since that didn't stop Winmxworld from picking up the slack, KM got his panties in a wad and is now throwing a petty temper tantrum.
      How.... mature...
      Clueless blogger/attacker is clueless.

  7. All i see, once again, is vented spleen and bitching. do YOU have a fix? if so, fix it.. if not, stfu.

    1. I don't see WMW having a fix either? So get a life.

  8. Whats going on is KM spent himself into a lot of debt and had to give up supporting Winmx in 2007. Since that didn't stop Winmxworld from picking up the slack, KM got his panties in a wad and is now throwing a petty temper tantrum.
    How.... mature...
    Clueless blogger/attacker is clueless.

  9. Its a fuckin shit network/protocol anyway, that shit is so old now and deserves to die, bittorrent/newsgroups is the best way of sharing files at the mo...

    1. Bittorrent is being have fun!!

  10. I still get files about once a week - they have a huge following of Japanese users. So - KM - you lose again! Instead of complaining about WinMX - why don't you do something to help fix the problem.
