Let's first take a moment to thank GhostShip for all his hard... ohhh wait..
Patch? What patch?
Over the course of the last twelve months WinMX World has promised a fix for these issues in the form of a patch, but what exactly happened to this so called quick fix patch? Perhaps GhostShip pissed off yet another "talented" developer with his dictator like attitude and lack of intelligence in how to actually code a working program?Well folks, I'm sad to say that GhostShip confirmed on the WinMX World forum himself that they have abandoned the patch method of fixing this minor issue with the network. It seems Richy's version of the patch was not good enough for GhostShip to slap his name on and call it his own, so he chose to let us suffer even longer in this mess.
The Replacement Client (And Why It Already Sucks):
Instead of a patch, WinMX World now promises to release a replacement client. When and if this may happen is unknown, but Tiny4Eva/Ryan promised months ago that it would be released in a "few weeks". However, here we are, months later and they have nothing to show for it. The fact is people, this replacement client is not going to actually fix anything. To fix the fake search results, it simply filters search results on the client side. This may look like a "fix", but your search requests are still going to be turned into "c:", and you will receive maybe 1/10th of the amount of search results as you did before the attacks started. For a chat room list fix, they will probably host their own incomplete and outdated list of chat rooms to load into the client remotely.So much for actually fixing the problem right?
We all see what GhostShip has done for us...
NOTHING at all.
Who is really behind these attacks?
Has anyone stopped to realize that the only group of people that benefit from these attacks is WinMX World themselves? Think about it for a minute, KM and Splintered have not been seen for months, and yet the attacks continue? If the attacks are active, people have a reason to visit the waste land known as WinMX World, and they have a reason to look to them for help and advice. The fact is, the patch we use now has not been updated since 2008. FOUR long years we have gone without even a little update. Updates such as local peer discovery that would eliminate the need for peer caches (and remove their monopoly of the network), and updates such as adding a local search filter that would actually 'fix' the search hijacking problem.The actual reason for the patch never being updated is the fact that they rely on a foreign coder. And because GhostShip can't actually code, and all the decent coders in the community got sick of him, he had no one to turn to.
So, think to yourselves... if WinMXWorld is the sole beneficiary to these attacks... then...
Completely agree. This guy has got to go.
ReplyDeleteHaha, what a complete tool you are. Your facts are so far off. I feel embarrassed for you lack of competence.
ReplyDeleteI'm and ex-WMW admin, and it's amazing how accurate this article is.
ReplyDeleteAngrife hin oder her aber muss man den die Peer-Reume bei winmx Fluten mit den txt ( on.e ye.ar la.ter... ghost.ship a.nd winmxwo.rld h.as pro.vided us wit.h noth.ing. it's t.ime for gh.ostship to h.and over cont.rol to a skil.led prog.rammer, and lea.ve the network on..ce and for all. video test.mony. http://tinyurl.com/72wk76g ) die ist zum kotzen seit ca: 2 std kommen diese txt , das geht mir auf dem sag !
ReplyDeleteThis says far more about how sick KM is than anything else. He complains about Quicks being a dictator and then sets about trying to achieve that status for himself, hypocrit! but fails. Hatred will eat you away as it's a mental problem.
ReplyDeleteUpdate the numbers on this page. The man is behind it, he's under their thumb.