Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Another WinMXWorld Admin Loses It.

Say it isn't so.... Nylly has allegedly thrown in the towel. After someone calmy and politely wanted to dicuss the attacks and how they originated in the WinMXWorld Help room, Nylly reportedly lost it and told everyone to fuck off. She then closed the chat server as well as the main WinMXWorld website and forum.

I also want to give a special shout out to Stevi. I just read where she finally stepped out of the GhostShip cloud of bullshit and spoke her mind. We are proud of you Stevi and don't let those self centered so called "staff" at WinMXWorld get you down.

Of course after Stevi spoke the truth about the corruption of power in WinMXWorld, she was soon turned into the enemy and rudely talked down upon as usual. It's really sad that a supposedly "community" driven website does these things. But the truth is, they are only in it for power and control.

Here is a screenshot of Nylly's breakdown:   (Click to Enlarge)

Somewhere... GhostShip cuts his wrists even deeper knowing his reign of dictator is soon coming to an end....


  1. und wie soll das jetzt mit winmx weiter gehen ?
    würd es abgeschaltet oder leuft es weiter ?.

    den in winmx sind viele user die nicht wissen wie es weiter gehen soll, den schon das Listen der peer reume ist die hölle und verbindung´s problem auch.
    also meine frage ist wie geht das ganze weiter ?

  2. Her poor soul... eaten by the GhostShip devils.

  3. Look to WinMxEffex.com for free speech, freedom of information, free exchange of ideas and no bans.

  4. We will, we will HACK YOU!

  5. Durchhalten, peerblock zusätzlich benützen (für Hoster!!) und Sabre's Blockliste dazu reinnehmen.

    Infos in
    WinMxEffex.com Help Room_E615BF404EFF

    Und falls jemand einen Programmierer kennt, dann bitte bei Knot melden - nicht bei WMW!

  6.  ****F u c k i n g***S p a m e r***  
    *G e t**y o u r s e l f**b u t**a**l i f e !**

  7. You have no balls at all!

  8. I love your comic, keep it up : ))

  9. A load of drama queens & kings attention seeking coming out the woodwork since the attacks on the network started. 99% of them don't know the first thing about what they are talking about, they just read the sensationalism and jump on the bandwagon. It's no wonder poor Nylly had enough.

  10. http://thenamdrib.blogspot.com/2011/06/another-winmxworld-admin-loses-it.html#comment-form

    we have our personal peer and more than 80 rooms onlime ... ban assure for a lot of provider from UK USA NORWAY URSS CHINA ROMANIA etc. and proxy's

    you two (you and winmxword) have lose the war ...fuck you and your winmx !!!

  11. If you honestly thing another p2p network is the future, then you have already lost the war. The world has moved on and so has technology to newer forms of file transfers. Also known as torrents.

  12. what did you really like winmx attack? you have nothing better to do it, or her randy ye here only. only makes the exchange more would be so bad and there will always winmx'd also continue to exist because you can attack as you want. (This text goes to the unknown attackers )!!!!!!!!!!!!. TEHM to the WinMX I mean both TEHM's hold on together!.

  13. was habt ihr eigentlich davon winmx anzugreifen ? habt ihr nix besseres zu tun, oder geilt ihr euch dabei nur auf. macht nur weiter so den tauschbösen würd es immer geben und winmx würd auch weiter bestehen da könnt ihr angreifen wie ihr wollt. ( Dieser text geht an die unbekannten angreifer )!!!!!!!!!!!!. an das tehm von winmx damit meine ich beide tehm´s haltet zu sammen!.

  14. Question - how is disrupting the on-going operation of WINMX with these "attacks", going to solve anything?? All you/whoever you are and your group are driving people off of WINMX and the users end of being victims of this EGO war....
    Grow up, people and solve things like grown adults will. Both sides are wrong, apparently.

  15. As has been said in multiple blog posts before, no one involved with this website is attacking the WinMX network at this time. Unfortunately the WinMX attackers do not agree with WinMX being run by a monopolistic organization such as WinMXWorld and it will continue to be attacked until either the network dies, or the old man known as GhostShip steps down off his high horse.

  16. LMAO who are you calling monopolistic??? Who are the ones attacking the network? WMW? NOPE you need to get real and get off your own high horses. If you behaved like this in the 'real world' the men in white coats would have come to take you away, long long ago.

  17. Again you fail to actually read my posts. I am not the person attacking any network. I'm simply voicing my displeasure with how WinMXWorld runs the network. And unless you want to correct me, free speech and press is my right, so no "men in white coats" will be needed to take me away.

    At least get your facts straight before making baseless threats.

  18. And you just deleted my last post. How two faced.

  19. Whoever runs this website just admitted, in a covert manner, that he/she/whoever has some involvement in the attacks.... You need to get on some psych. meds if you believe that Ghostship and Co. are some how making money off winmx. Monopoly? Get real.... I share 2 thousand + files on WINMX, and will continue to do so. You make have slowed down Winmx, but you have slowed me down.

  20. What a bunch of fuck-up losers. Go back to your mom's basement and play with your dicks ...

  21. im a winmx user and i think its the best sharing program, everyone who is doin these attacks need to just realize people are gonna share and continue to use it no matter what and do it there are other programs to that people still use so either way ppl are gonna keep doing it so the attackers need to just let it go cause its not stealing its SHARING!!! someone bought the file to share it so its not like they didnt make money on it. winmx will stay up forever hopefully and ppl will continue to use it forever until it is shutdown which hopefully doesnt happen and keep trying winmxworld and everyone that is tryin to get the attacks to go away for good! eventually they will give up when they realize they cant stop it..

  22. You can't stop an ideal. Win Mx is too important. It is sad, really, that your efforts are (in the words) of GhostShip - FUTILE!
